This blog post will go over three examples of the dangers posed by technological advancements in our modern world. Negative intent in its usage may have far-reaching consequences for many aspects of society and the global economy. We have become so reliant on this technology that cutting off access would be disastrous. This means that we, as a society, need to be conscious of the risks that exist so that we can take appropriate measures.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

When it comes to the potential for positive or negative societal change, artificial intelligence is the poster child for the next generation of technological advancements. What was once an arcane subject of computer science that lay beyond the comprehension of the general public is now fundamental to how we conduct our daily lives. However, it has the potential to mistakenly or purposefully influence billions of people because of its wide scope and absence of ethical boundaries or legal ramifications. It uses the large internet data pool to quickly enhance its effectiveness and size, which presents a serious danger to data protection. Algorithmic prejudice and biases may also be caused by a lack of responsibility for data use. It can even imitate another person via the use of deep fakes, or very intuitive picture, video, and audio forgeries.

Cloud computing

There is now a global network that links everyone and everything together. With only a click, we may access the latest news, information, amusement, and even a significant portion of ourselves. In addition, cloud computing is the backbone upon which the vast expanse of the Internet rests. Cloud computing is not a novel phenomenon, but its appeal has increased greatly since the COVID-19 pandemic. Huge organizations as well as mom-and-pop shops rely on this technology nowadays. Because of its low cost and wide applicability, it is an essential must-have. The risk of data theft increases as a result of the growing use of cloud-based services and applications. The deletion or leaking of data is an additional danger, in addition to the potential compromise of security. The problem of vendor lock-in while using clouds arises because of the expense and inconvenience of shifting service providers.

Automation and robotics

Robotics and automated processes are unavoidable in the near future. By making astute use of information technology, they stand to improve upon the effectiveness, timeliness, and efficiency of traditionally carried out jobs. Everyone is eager to benefit from the power of automation and robots, which enhances their capacity to wreak harm on a worldwide scale, from production plants and space exploration to medical applications. While delegating tasks to automated processes decreases the room for mistakes, anybody with access to a few basic credentials might easily influence the process for their own ends. Because most computers are part of a larger network, the security of other computers on the same network is at risk. The absence of responsibility also makes it difficult to forestall assaults of this kind.

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